_________________________________________ | | | - CONTRIBUTORS AND CHANGES - | | | | Instructions: | | | | * Every number is a commit. | | * Every indendation is a fork+merge. | | | | Thank you to all the contributors! | | | |_________________________________________| | | | This file is updated every day from: | | "bzr log lp:minesweeper" | |_________________________________________| 85 Valerio Bozzolan 2014-09-12 Built version 1.6.0. 84 Valerio Bozzolan 2014-09-11 Optimization of undo-button in Android. 83 Valerio Bozzolan 2014-09-10 Built version 1.5.9. Added an anti-feature: Italiano sgorbutico. 82 Valerio Bozzolan 2014-09-10 fixes bug(s): https://launchpad.net/bugs/1343979 Changed flag image; Translation bug fixed in browser; Trying to use the "undo" button in Android; Font size optimized; Fixed vibration bug. 81 Valerio Bozzolan 2014-07-31 Russian minor fix 80 Valerio Bozzolan 2014-07-31 Fixed external links bug that happen after changing language 79 Valerio Bozzolan 2014-07-30 [merge] Added Russian! (Thanks to Vadim Bobrov!) 77.1.1 Vadim Bobrov 2014-07-21 Added Russian! 78 Valerio Bozzolan 2014-07-30 fixes bug(s): https://launchpad.net/bugs/1345807 Solved «Pluralization problem with accents» bug 77 Valerio Bozzolan 2014-07-21 [merge] Added French! (Thanks to Andrè Thibault!) 76.1.1 Andrè Thibault 2014-07-21 Added French! 76 Valerio Bozzolan 2014-07-18 Minor improvements to the language 75 Valerio Bozzolan 2014-07-18 [merge] Added Portuguese! (Thanks to Fabio Cardizzone!) 73.2.1 Fabio Cardizzone 2014-07-18 Added Portuguese! 74 Valerio Bozzolan 2014-07-17 [merge] Added Romanian! (thanks to Bogdan Cornelius Marici!) 73.1.1 Bogdan Cornelius Marici 2014-07-17 Added Romanian! (thanks to Bogdan Cornelius Marici!) 73 Valerio Bozzolan 2014-07-16 Improvements on language menù. 72 Valerio Bozzolan 2014-07-16 Fixed end-settings and tips-pop-up localization. https://github.com/marcelklehr/html10n.js/issues/8 71 Valerio Bozzolan 2014-07-15 More friendly README.txt 70 Valerio Bozzolan 2014-07-15 fixes bug(s): https://launchpad.net/bugs/1342010 Fixed audio bug in app. 69 Valerio Bozzolan 2014-07-15 [merge] Version 1.5 for German support (thanks to Ilaria Voghera!) 68.1.1 Ilaria Voghera 2014-07-15 Added German! (thanks to Ilaria Voghera!) 68 Valerio Bozzolan 2014-07-15 Version 1.4.0 for language select input in settings with default language at startup 67 Valerio Bozzolan 2014-07-14 Version 1.3.0 for Chinese support 66 Valerio Bozzolan 2014-07-14 [merge] Added Chinese! (thanks to Fabrizio Hu Xing Long!) 65.1.1 Fabrizio Hu Xing Long 2014-07-14 Added Chinese! (thanks to Fabrizio Hu Xing Long!) 65 Valerio Bozzolan 2014-07-14 fixes bug(s): https://launchpad.net/bugs/1308754 Added localization support (with html10n.js) Added English and Italian; dinamically choses by the Android Language set in Settings. 64 Valerio Bozzolan 2014-07-13 Add localization support! 63 Valerio Bozzolan 2014-07-11 fixes bug(s): https://launchpad.net/bugs/1320341 Added license header in certain files; Preloading images in DOM in index.html; Removed lastest APK link in setttings; 62 Valerio Bozzolan 2014-07-09 Ready for FDroid as MineSweeper 1.1.0 (110) 61 Valerio Bozzolan 2014-07-08 Added README.txt 60 Valerio Bozzolan 2014-07-08 Making a buildable pakage (conforming it to F-Droid server tools) 59 Valerio Bozzolan 2014-05-10 [merge] Marco Gagino new 'lose' popup image and new background image 57.1.1 Marco Gagino 2014-05-10 New 'lose' popup image and new background image 58 Valerio Bozzolan 2014-05-10 Significantly improved performance even when cache is empty 57 Valerio Bozzolan 2014-05-07 Significantly improved performance if you keep the same settings during games following 56 Valerio Bozzolan 2014-05-07 fixes bug(s): https://launchpad.net/bugs/1308038 Prevent accidental exit 55 Valerio Bozzolan 2014-05-04 [merge] fixes bug(s): https://launchpad.net/bugs/1307124 Alberto solaro add restart button 54.1.1 Alberto Solaro 2014-05-03 New transition for option and add the restart button! 54 Valerio Bozzolan 2014-04-27 [merge] fixes bug(s): https://launchpad.net/bugs/1307110 Alberto Solaro added cute flags 53.1.1 Alberto Solaro 2014-04-21 Add cute flag 53 Valerio Bozzolan 2014-04-20 [merge] fixes bug(s): https://launchpad.net/bugs/1307707 Marco Gagino new logo! + removed white shadow behind numbers 52.1.1 Marco Gagino 2014-04-19 fixes bug(s): https://launchpad.net/bugs/1307707 New logo! + removed white shadow behind numbers 52 Valerio Bozzolan 2014-04-17 fixes bug(s): https://launchpad.net/bugs/1308646 Now images in popups can't be bigger than screen 51 Valerio Bozzolan 2014-04-16 fixes bug(s): https://launchpad.net/bugs/1308658 Fixed bug with cell during rotation or screen resize 50 Valerio Bozzolan 2014-04-16 fixes bug(s): https://launchpad.net/bugs/1308516 Faster bomb-algorithm; Ordered the CSS; Removed; Removed libraries jquery.mobile in excess 49 Valerio Bozzolan 2014-04-14 Teorically speeded up game 48 Valerio Bozzolan 2014-04-14 [merge] Marco Gagino 2014-04-14 Added an 'x' button to close the popups 46.1.1 Marco Gagino 2014-04-14 Added an 'x' button to close the popups 47 Valerio Bozzolan 2014-04-14 CSS cleaned 46 Valerio Bozzolan 2014-04-14 [merge] Alberto Solaro 2014-04-14 Add img about field (default, null, bomb) 45.1.1 Alberto Solaro 2014-04-14 Add img about field (default, null, bomb) 45 Valerio Bozzolan 2014-04-13 Soft vibration when flag set 44 Valerio Bozzolan 2014-04-13 fixes bug(s): https://launchpad.net/bugs/1307122 Hold-tap threshold to 300 ms 43 Valerio Bozzolan 2014-04-06 [merge] (no message) 40.1.1 Valerio Bozzolan 2014-04-06 Added splash icon 42 Valerio Bozzolan 2014-04-06 [merge] Marco Gagino redesigned tips popup and added images win/lose 39.1.2 Marco Gagino 2014-04-06 Redesigned tips popup and added images win/lose popups 41 Valerio Bozzolan 2014-04-06 Added splash icon 40 Valerio Bozzolan 2014-04-06 [merge] Marco Gagino uploaded startup background image 39.1.1 Marco Gagino 2014-04-06 uploaded startup background image 39 Valerio Bozzolan 2014-04-04 Added popup transition 38 Valerio Bozzolan 2014-04-04 Added cute popups when win/lose 37 Valerio Bozzolan 2014-03-30 [merge] Insert favicon 35.1.1 Valerio Bozzolan 2014-03-30 Insert favicon 36 Valerio Bozzolan 2014-03-30 Insert favicon 35 Valerio Bozzolan 2014-03-30 [merge] New logo from Marco Gagino 33.1.1 Marco Gagino 2014-03-30 new logo 34 Valerio Bozzolan 2014-03-30 Small change in settings 33 Valerio Bozzolan 2014-03-29 [merge] New game -> New 32.1.1 Marco Gagino 2014-03-29 Improved GUI 32 Valerio Bozzolan 2014-03-29 Improved GUI; Probably fixed swipe bug 31 Valerio Bozzolan 2014-03-28 [merge] Merged Marco's commit 28.1.1 Marco Gagino 2014-03-28 Added 'swipe to right' functionality 30 Valerio Bozzolan 2014-03-28 Sorry but i love cows 29 Valerio Bozzolan 2014-03-28 Removed not minified jquery.mobile code 28 Valerio Bozzolan 2014-03-27 Improved setting page speed; Fixed NaN-value-in-play_times-stats-when-first-time-play bug 27 Valerio Bozzolan 2014-03-27 Added the vibration option; Added help-page popup; Fix random sounds-mute-bug; Fix PhoneGap-deathlessmusic-bug when app sleep; Improved localStorage managing; yuppie.ogg is a little lowered; Cleaning in the code 26 Valerio Bozzolan 2014-03-26 Fixed PhoneGap gap between Media API player and HTML5 audio player 25 Valerio Bozzolan 2014-03-25 Added some others stupid jingles and... GAME OVER voice. 24 Valerio Bozzolan 2014-03-25 Implementation of some very cute sounds 23 Valerio Bozzolan 2014-03-25 Fix bug with external links: Force to use stock browser instead of in-app navigation 22 Valerio Bozzolan 2014-03-25 Added button 'Download latest APK' in the footer of the license page 21 Valerio Bozzolan 2014-03-25 Added vibration support 20 Valerio Bozzolan 2014-03-25 Integrated external settings.html page in index.html page; External link with stock browser and not with in-app browser 19 Valerio Bozzolan 2014-03-25 Added settings page with some game stats (username it's useless); License incorporated in pakage; Added implementation of localStorage; Added creator credits (me) 18 Valerio Bozzolan 2014-03-24 Prevents the first touch is a bomb 17 Valerio Bozzolan 2014-03-24 Show all bombs when you lose 16 Valerio Bozzolan 2014-03-24 Added intelligent bomb ratio; Improved slide panel; Changed option names 15 Valerio Bozzolan 2014-03-24 Added jquery.mobile panel as New Game page 14 Valerio Bozzolan 2014-03-24 CSS fix (when cells have text) 13 Valerio Bozzolan 2014-03-24 Graphic fix 12 Valerio Bozzolan 2014-03-24 The game tells you if you win; Logo is no longer the default (but in the name of your God, improve it); Added credits to jsfromhell.com 11 Valerio Bozzolan 2014-03-23 Recursive function reveal_nothing now works properly 10 Valerio Bozzolan 2014-03-19 Removed jQuery.mobile demos 9 Valerio Bozzolan 2014-03-19 jQuery.mobile instead of jQuery-ui; jQuery.mobile instead of pressAndHold 8 Valerio Bozzolan 2014-03-18 Added support to jQuery mobile; Graphic changed; game 90% work but you can't win 7 Valerio Bozzolan 2014-03-17 Add support to jquery-ui and startup dialog implemented 6 Valerio Bozzolan 2014-03-17 Game works with default options 5 Valerio Bozzolan 2014-03-16 Added red color for bombs 4 Valerio Bozzolan 2014-03-16 First implementation of the game creation and functionality 3 Valerio Bozzolan 2014-03-16 Game field implemented 2 Valerio Bozzolan 2014-03-16 Added jquery 2.0.2 1 Valerio Bozzolan 2014-03-16 First commit